Università LUMSA


Università LUMSA.

The University was established on 26 October 1939, the date it received both its canonical erection and civil recognition by the Italian State. Unusually for that time, it was established by a woman, Luigia Tincani, together with Cardinal Giuseppe Pizzardo, and has enjoyed the protection and support of the Holy See from the very start.

It was initially granted the status and title of Istituto Superiore Pareggiato di Magistero Maria Ss. Assunta as a state-recognised higher education institute, and was essentially a university with a single faculty - education - offering a selection of degree programs.

It was established for two principal reasons, the first being the more immediate and practical need to provide easy access to higher education for nuns called to teach in Catholic schools; the second, more profound, reason was to contribute to an intellectual and humanistic education free from the ideological pressures of the time, which sought to monopolise education and instruction.

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